Andrew Lewis Middle School9Cave Spring8Mar 17 / Baseball
Andrew Lewis Middle School5Northside Middle School0Mar 13 / Boys Soccer
Andrew Lewis Middle School7Northside Middle School0Mar 13 / Girls Soccer
Andrew Lewis Middle School3Cave Spring Middle School2Mar 12 / Boys Soccer
Andrew Lewis Middle School13Northside Middle School2Mar 11 / Baseball
Andrew Lewis Middle School16Hidden Valley Middle School3Mar 10 / Softball
Andrew Lewis Middle School3Hidden Valley Middle School0Mar 10 / Girls Soccer
Andrew Lewis Middle School3Read Mountain Middle School2Mar 3 / Girls Soccer
Olivia Huff, Editor
Iris Wells, Staff Writer
Chloe Reid, Staff Writer
There's not many Skate parks in the Salem area. In fact there are zero but there used to be one at Moyer park but it got demolished and replaced...

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that is dedicated to creating computers and programs that can replicate human...

Cliques,( pronounced clicks), have been around for a long time. I’m sure you’ve heard of the “jocks”, “the artists”, “the nerds”,...

The wolverine, that's the mascot of our school. I will be talking about some pros and cons of it being the mascot and what some students...
Being a principle is a lot more than just disciplining kids all day. It’s a lot harder than one would think. It involves planning, setting...
Have you ever seen the girls with all of their stuff in one hand and a Stanley in the other? Do you ever wonder how this came about? Stanleys...