When you first hear about middle school, you probably think that it’s confusing and complicated. But honestly, it’s really fun and an amazing experience for everyone. You get to meet new people, take new classes, and become more independent and involved with your school.
Misconceptions About Middle School
Some common misconceptions are: Lots of drama, Very independent, Bullying, Not knowing your way around the school, and Forgetting your locker combination. Trust me, it’s easier than it looks, and middle school is a really good way to learn new things, meet new people, and learn how to be independent. You find yourself in middle school through friends, clubs, electives, sports, and classes. These all shape your perspective of life. Your Teen Magazine said that, “Pop culture has painted middle school as a metaphorical torture chamber, a soul-crushing place that will steal any self-esteem you may have had.” But this is not true.
Mistakes We All Make
Mistakes can be very easy to make in middle school because of all the new things you’re trying to learn and achieve. Your brain is still developing, and trying to figure out the difference between wrong and right. Many people are trying to fit in and stand out at the exact same time. People are trying to SURVIVE middle school. Most people are not worried about others in middle school, just their own appearance and their own actions. So pretty much know one will notice if you do something wrong unless you tell others. Being absent a lot can also be a big mistake to make. Being absent a lot can cause you to miss out on work and fall behind quickly. 8th grader Ava Thomas said, “ One mistake I made was thinking you can help everyone. Not everyone wants help.”
Middle School Relationships
Dating in middle school is a very rocky road. Every human craves human interaction, but in middle school, it’s more than that. Be very careful about who you make friends with and talk to. Making bad choices is very easy to do. Sometimes, you can get caught up in a relationship you do not want to be in. If this happens, it’s very important to tell someone and don’t be afraid to say NO. It’s important to know the rules of dating set by your parents. Talk to them about it and their own expectations and experiences.
How To Be More Prepared
Be Organized. By being organized, it helps make the day go smoother and is helpful when you need to find something quickly. Be Mindful Of What’s In Your Locker. If you have food or drinks in your locker, make sure nothing can rot or spill and make a mess, because it can attract animals and a smell. Additionally, if you have lots of paper spilling out of your locker, that can make it hard to close and hard to find things that you may need. Make Sure To Charge Your Chromebook. This isn’t anything you haven’t heard before, but it really does help. Who wants to always carry a charger around or constantly ask someone for their charger? Some teachers may even give you silent lunch for not having your chromebook charged.
How To Be Confident
Just be yourself in middle school. Don’t change yourself to fit in, this won’t help you at all. Don’t do crazy things just to “fit in” or “be cool.” Try to keep your head up as you walk through the halls and try to give off an, “I don’t care” attitude. Keep your friends close and don’t listen to the rumors or lies that are being spread, whether they are about you or not. Don’t start problems with other people, teachers included, for no reason. It will just get you into more trouble and cause you more harm than good.
Do My Grades Matter?
Of course they do! Lots of kids think that in middle school, your grades don’t matter. But honestly, this is when they matter most. High schools will look at your grades that go to your personal transcript and contribute to your GPA. Your GPA decides whether or not you go on to a higher grade or even graduate. Your GPA is especially important in 8th grade, because you have a chance to earn some high school credits in 8th grade. For the rest of high school, every class is worth a grade, so it’s important to do your best in every class.
In conclusion, middle school is not as bad as you may think! Just follow the rules and have fun with your friends, activities, and electives. There is so much more that’s offered to you in these years, and it’s important you have fun while doing your work.
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