The wolverine, that’s the mascot of our school. I will be talking about some pros and cons of it being the mascot and what some students and teachers said about it being the mascot. I will be interviewing some teachers and students on if they think the wolverine is a good mascot for the school or not. I’ll interview people like Mrs.burton, one of the 7th grade math teachers.
Pros and Cons of the Wolverine
First, I’ll go on about the pros for the wolverine being the school’s mascot. Wolverines are mostly known for their long claws and how strong they are compared to their size. The animal has great endurance and is smart. Wolverines are great mascots for schools because they are fearless and clever animals. They have lots of courage too; those are the traits you need to have in school. They stand their ground as well so that’s perfect for sports. They are very outgoing animals. They are always curious about new things and it’s good to be curious and outgoing in school because then you answer questions in class because you’re not shy, you join clubs and share your interests. They are independent animals and calm when there’s a really big problem. It’s easy and quick for them to solve problems like kids can be in school. Wolverines are very active animals and have physical strength and endurance there most active and ready in the day so they are also a perfect school sports symbol. The wolverine is just an amazing animal for a school with all its traits like being outgoing, fearless, independent, active, smart, strong, and having lots of courage. You would be surprised that there are cons to this amazing animal.
The cons of the wolverine and why it’s not a great fit for some schools as their representative animal. Even though the animal can be so outgoing it’s a bit of a shy animal the wolverine is also a loner it likes being alone. Wolverines can be very aggressive, hard headed, and firm. They will get what they want and it’s not very nice to be aggressive in school. It’s good to be set on what you want but you may not want to listen or do your work because you want to do something else. The wolverine is a kind of weasel,it’s actually the largest land living weasel and I don’t think you want your mascot to be a weasel. It doesn’t even sound good or powerful. That’s it for cons as you can see there’s a lot more good things about the wolverine then bad. So it’s a really powerful mascot to have.
Teacher’s and Student’s Thoughts
I asked 1 teacher and 2 students what they thought about the mascot and this is what they all said.
Student, Clayton McCormick said,
“Yes and I genuinely think that we should have a mascot walking around.”
Personally I agree it would be really cool if there is a person in a Wolverine costume walking around the school.
Shaelyn Rattcliff said, “I think it’s an interesting mascot, I don’t think it’s good or bad.”
This is a picture of the old wolverine mascot from 11 years ago! Creepy looking right?
This is what Mrs. Burton said
“When I first arrived at Andrew Lewis Middle School, I was surprised that the wolverine was our mascot. Wolverines are known for being ferocious fighters, but they are not found naturally in the state of Virginia. Furthermore, Salem high school’s mascot is the Spartan, which is an athletic and military icon. I would love to know the story about how the wolverine was picked to be our mascot, but a quick google search shows that wolverines are known for being not only ferocious, but also persistent and much stronger than their size would suggest. Personally, I would have preferred a mascot that tied back to our namesake, Andrew Lewis, or to our high school, the Spartans, or at least an animal native to our home state; however, these wolverine attributes are what I think describe Andrew Lewis middle schoolers the best: Persistence and Strength.”
Wow! Pretty long comment, she’s right though, it is an animal that’s not native here but because of their personality it’s a great fit!
So that’s all I have to say. I Talked about the bad and good reasons to have the wolverine as the school’s mascot and I had others comment on what they thought too. Maybe you don’t like the mascot at all but I disagree.
Credits to google search for info and Mrs. pages youtube channel video on andrew lewis for the mascot photo.